
Wednesday 28 June 2017

30 Days Wild Days 27 & 28

Day 27
It was unexpectedly sunny yesterday, so I took the opportunity to do some yoga in the garden. Here I am (or my shadow at least! 😃 ) doing tree pose, which is a bit difficult when you're trying to take a photo at the same time. 😉

You can just about see my little companion to the right doing his own version of yoga, which seems to involve laying down with your eyes closed. 😊🐈😴

Here he is actually on my mat "helping" me. He's thinking about doing cat pose. 😉

I began practicing yoga a year ago after I had some really bad back pain, but haven't really done much outside. To do it in the fresh air with the breeze on you and the sounds of the world all around is quite different from being cooped up inside. There's a different feel to it, a freer feeling as you take the time to breathe and stretch in the open air. There's also the feeling of all the birds around watching you and wondering what you're doing! 😃🐦

Day 28

I saw the hover flies again today in the garden and managed to get this photo of one, but it's a bit blurry because the flies move so fast. Even when they're hovering in the same place, their little wings are beating many times a second and are impossible to see. This was the best I could do.

There are only two days left of 30 Days Wild now and I'll be disappointed to finish, but with those two days, there's still more opportunity to do Random Acts of Wildness.
Remember to take a look at the Wildlife Trusts website:


  1. I love yoga, but I've stopped doing it recently so I really need to get back into the habit of it as you're right, it's so good for back pain! Love your wild moments here, the hoverflies always move so fast, I can never catch them in flight so it was good you got on here! I've been loving all of your wild posts, though I haven't always been able to comment on them, I'm sad the challenge is over for another month! - Tasha

    1. Thanks Tasha! Yes, I find yoga to be a good stretch for the back. Do keep doing it. Thanks, I've been trying for a while to get a hoverfly in a photo but never got one till now. I'm sad too, I've enjoyed it.

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