
Saturday 27 May 2017

Uniquely Me Tag

I was tagged by Natasha of The Happy Larkspur blog to do the Uniquely Me Tag. It's all about sharing what makes you 'you', the different and unique things about you. Tasha's post can be seen by clicking the link above. Thank you Tasha for involving me.

These are the rules:

1. Thank the person that nominated you for this tag and link to their blog (spread the love, basically).2. Write as many things that are unique to you as possible: these can be things that you do, say, like or have that make you different to other people or let you stand out. It can be what defines you as a person, a little thing about you that is just simply you or something little known that you think makes you up as a person.
3. Nominate up to 10 bloggers or as many as you like; there isn’t a limit.
4. You can take this tag as seriously or non-seriously as you like; you can laugh whilst doing it or feel contemplative: this is about you, after all.
5. After you’ve written this and if you ever feel like there’s nothing to you but what other people have already said and done, look back to your post and remember that it isn’t true.

So, what makes me 'me'?

  • I love nature and wildlife. I've always enjoyed spending time outdoors and since I was a child I've loved watching animals. I think the natural world is important and we should all be doing more to look after it.
  • I used to be arachnophobic but I'm not now. If I saw a spider when I was really young, I'd be running in the opposite direction but I've learned to live with our little eight-legged friends. I don't feel fear any more and catch them to put them outside.
  • I love all the seasons. I enjoy seeing the changing colours and appearance of nature as the year turns. Every season has something to offer. (But I'm not fond of really hot weather in the summer!)
  • I speak Welsh. I began learning when I was 23 because although I feel very Welsh, I wanted to be able to speak the language of my ancestors.
  • My favourite colour is purple which apparently means I'm temperamental, unconventional, with a strong sense of individuality, highly imaginative, private, creative, a free spirit, idealistic, impractical and often seen as somewhat eccentric. I'll leave that for you to judge!
  • I'm interested in space. I like to look at the moon and stars but at the moment the only constellation I can identify is Orion. I'd love to learn more. Every time I look up at the sky and try to imagine the distances between us and the stars, it makes my head spin. It reminds me how small we are and how unique we may be - we might be the only life in the universe - so wee should cherish our world and everything in it.
  • My mother taught me to bake a Victoria sandwich when I was 3. I know all the ingredients without looking in a cook book and when a cake needs to be made, I'm the one who has to do it!

I've quite enjoyed doing this and am going to tag the blogs below. There's no pressure on anyone though.

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