
Tuesday 3 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you had a lovely Christmas. I developed a cold on Christmas Day and my mother did on Boxing Day so we weren't feeling very festive and we feel like we hardly had a Christmas because it went so fast. But everyone is happy and safe and that's the important thing. 

For the last week I've been snuggled up trying to get better, kind of really getting into the "hygge" idea that's become popular. It's not really a new idea to me though. I've always spent time in winter being cosy indoors. Here in Wales we have the word "cwtch" which means "hug" but there's also "cwtched up" which means being cosy and comfortable, preferably by a fireside with a blanket or warm clothes and something warm to drink. That's similar to "hygge" isn't it? 

Due to this cold - and Christmas - I haven't been able to finish my Autumn wall hanging yet but I'm hoping to get back to the colours soon. I find January the darkest month of the year, especially after twelfth night when the decorations and lights have come down, so hopefully the colours of my sewing will help. 

It's lovely to see flowers out at this time of year too, not because of global warming but because they're winter flowering varieties. They brighten things up a bit. This is winter flowering jasmine: 


and here are some violas:

I love violas. Their petals look like cute little faces. 

I love things that bring colour and light to the darkness, so at this time of year - and with all the terrible things going on in the world - here's a small message to you and myself to remember that we can achieve things if we really want to, with compassion, empathy and respect. We can shine, we are made of the same atoms as stars and to quote Professor Brian Cox;

"We are the cosmos made conscious."


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