
Wednesday 17 August 2016

Fairy Jewels and Flowers

I thought I'd show you some of my photographs that I've taken recently and a bit more of my work in progress.

This first photo is a buttercup in my garden. I just thought it would be a lovely image for inspiration, but it turned out with a blue background rather than green. I assume that the intensity of the yellow colour of the flower affected the background somehow. I promise you this has not been altered at all. It looks amazing though. I love the shades of blue and the more purple parts at the right, the complimentaries of yellow.


This is one of my aquilegias. It's only the second time it's flowered. Again, I love the colours and no doubt it will influence some future work.


A primrose. (Just because I like them!)


I happened to see this one day after it had been raining. It's a spider's web with tiny water droplets among leaves and the sun is shining on it to produce a beautiful rainbow. You can just about see it in the centre.

Here's some gossamer with fairy jewels. Or another spider's web with raindrops. Take your pick! :o)


I love seeing things like this. Little bits of beauty and unexpectedness (is that a word? :D ) in everyday life. Little pleasures are there if you look for them.

They also provide great inspiration for patterns or colours or entire pieces of art. 

Here is more work I've done for my 'Wild Nature' wall hanging. Some machine embroidered leaves:

These will be cut out and attached to the main piece, which I have added to with some more hand embroidery, sewing leaves, dandelions, daisies and forget me nots.


I'll leave you with a lovely quote that I came across this week, another unexpected thing which turned up. I have never read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, which I hate to admit, but I think I will be reading it soon because of this:

'I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and says, "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again." '  Lewis Carroll.

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